Six Feet of Earth Makes Us All of One Size

I’ll sing you a song of the world and its ways
And the many strange people you meet
From the rich man who’s rolled in his millions of gold
To the poor struggling wretch on the street
But a man tho’ he’s poor and in tatters and rags
We should never affect to despise
But think of the adage remember my friends
That six feet of earth makes us all of one size

There’s the rich man with thousands to spare if he likes
But he haughtily holds up his head
And who thinks he’s above the mechanic who toils
And is honestly earning his bread
But his gold and his jewels he can’t take away
To the world up above when he dies
For death levels all and conclusively shows
That six feet of earth makes us all of one size

There’s many a coat that is tatter’d and torn,
That beneath lies a true honest heart
But because he’s not dressed like his neighbors in style,
Why “society” keeps them apart;
For on one fortune smiles, while the other one fails,
Yes no matter what venture he tries,
But time calls them both to the grave in the end
And six feet of earth makes us all of one size

Then when you once see a poor fellow that tries,
To baffle the world and its frown,
Let us help him along and perhaps he’ll succeed
Don’t crush him because he is down,
For a cup of cold water for charity’s sake,
Is remembered with joy in the skies,
We’re all of us human, we’ve all got to die,
And six feet of earth makes us all of one size